At the site of the Astrakhan Trade and Service Center of the Minsk Tractor Plant, which is a separate division of TD MTZ-Stavropol LLC, a shipment of 12 Belarusian tractors was completed at the request of Tomarin LLC, located near the village of Zaikovka in the Krasnoyarsky region of Astrakhan. Considering last year's purchases, the machine and tractor fleet of this young tomato paste production company now includes 33 units of Belarus equipment.
A 40-hectare plot has been allocated for the construction of a tomato paste factory in the Krasnoyarsky region. Last year, the first tomato harvest was harvested from 650 hectares of plantations and processed into tomato paste. The agricultural complex is expected to produce 230,000 tons of tomatoes annually once it reaches its full capacity, and the volume of tomato paste produced will amount to 28,000 tons.
The Astrakhan separate division of TD MTZ-Stavropol LLC closely cooperates with the local AIC "Astrakhansky", LLC. The company has previously purchased 33 Belarusian tractors, various plant units, and spare parts from this manufacturer.
In 2024, the Astrakhan MTZ Trade and Service Center supplied agricultural producers in the region with more than 200 tractors and 100 units of agricultural equipment. Compared to last year, sales increased by more than 40 percent.
Photos: Press Service and Information Department of the Astrakhan Region Governor's Administration.